Contact Her

You can contact House Crazy Sarah at the following email address:

Please, no marriage proposals, requests for help with college term papers, or pyramid scheme solicitations.

Only contact House Crazy Sarah if you would like to offer kind kudos, blog ideas, or a significant cash windfall.

*NOTE: House Crazy Sarah is NOT a Realtor so she cannot help you find or purchase a home.

If she has used one or some of your images without permission, please send her an email and let her know how to properly credit said image. It is sometimes difficult to hunt down who has copyright so just let House Crazy Sarah know and she will gladly give credit where credit is due.

And, if you should see your home or art or photographs on this humble little blog and you wish for those images to be deleted, please email House Crazy Sarah and she will earnestly oblige and send you all the apologies in the universe for being a naughty gal and not seeking out your permission in the first place. She means well.

Namaste.  🙂


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